Managing the pre-qualifications of your contractors is an administrative nightmare.
There are numerous spreadsheets, emails and forms to maintain. In addition, you need to keep pestering your contractors to complete your paperwork. This all takes time and money.
With Mango let the software do the work for you.
Mango will notify your contractors to complete the pre-qualification. Then the contractor does all the work for you. They will answer the questions and upload evidence into Mango. This will save you a tonne of time and effort.
We are able to manage our employees and sub-contractors with notifications before licences, insurances and qualifications are due to run out.
Sends an email to the contractor to complete the questionnaire. The contractor doesn't need a login to Mango
Create your own pre-qualification questionnaires with multiple uploads
Add 'hints and tips' to each question
Create different questionnaires based on any location or activity
Record multiple notes for each question
Automatically remind the contractor responsible to conduct the questionnaire
Plan contractor pre-quals more efficiently and effectively
Monitor the history of pre-quals to identify recurring issues and drive improvements
For specific ways in which Mango's Pre-qualification module is used, check out the usage examples below or click here for more information.
Record all pre-qualifications in one database and ensure that you meet your assessment schedule on-time, every time.
Conduct ongoing surveys of your contractors once they have engaged with them.
Conduct the induction of your contractors remotely by just sending them an email link to complete your assessment of them.
Speak with one of our consultants about how Mango can help solve your QHSE compliance problems