Organisations are still fighting the daily battle with a paper for recording food incidents and then duplicating that work by putting the same data into a spreadsheet. Food Safety Teams then find it hard to quickly extract data that would highlight trends where value from improvements could be found.
In addition, organisations are complaining that using hard copy forms or spreadsheets are causing delays in reporting, fixing and implementing actions.
Opportunities for improvements are being missed.
Paperwork is being misplaced, lost or damaged from the work environment.
Not only that but organisations have conflicts in their system where paperwork is not permitted in the work area. However employees need to report food incidents, machine run hours, preventative maintenance and training. These are nornamlly in paper format.
Food Safety Managers report that External Auditors are identifying failures in the corrective action process as one of the most prevalent areas of non-conformance.
Business are wanting Food Safety to be part of the organisation's integrated management system to reduce duplication and get more value from their systems.
Mango is a very useful tool and valuable in assisting this site to achieve BRC Certification.
Integrate your food safety systems and processes in one solution
Manage your food safety incidents in real-time
Easily maintain an incident register
Identify trends and root causes - and therefore drive down future incident rates
Monitor the status of investigations, corrective actions and preventive actions
Attach photos and supporting files at any time during the investigation
Tailor the module to fit your organisation’s system
Save time and money getting information from remote sites and employees
Assign multiple investigators to an incident and automatically notify them via email
Utilise a comprehensive report writer that allows reporting on any area of the database
For specific ways in which Mango's Food Safety module is used, check out the usage examples below or click here for more information.
Record all food safety incidents within one centralised database.
Mango automatically creates an incident register as soon as an incident is logged.
Integrate food safety incidents with all other management standards.
Clause of ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000
Clause 3.11 of BRC
Speak with one of our consultants about how Mango can help solve your QHSE compliance problems